I find it interesting that since Brexit, more immigrants have been running away from Western Europe than ever before. If Brexit is so bad for people, and the EU is open arms to immigrants why do these people treat France and Germany like it’s Mexico and Venezuela.
Anony Mous
JoinedPosts by Anony Mous
UKRAINE: are things SO bad......
by BoogerMan in....that fighting-fit young ukrainian men are having to be evacuated - to accommodation in dublin city centre?.
beats the rubber dinghies, i suppose..
non US folks and pumpkin pie
by carla insorry, i didn't know how to classify this- on some cooking boards i am on i came across how some do not understand pumpkin pie at all, particularly down under.
there was a whole thread about picking up libby's pumpkin pie filling (and the expense) and then came the subject of vegemite which does not sound good to me but can't say as i have never had it.
with all the sugar and spices what is not to like about it?
Anony Mous
Pies in general are weird across the world. Where I was growing up, sweets in general weren't in great supply, but a pie was a great way of using up excess fruit after canning/preserving and that's when we got it. In Britain they have meat-based (like pot pies in the US, but more stodgy).
Pumpkin pie and cheesecake and great cuts of steak I didn't get until I got to the US. I think many people make it too sweet, but you can cut the sugar for more flavor. My wife makes amazing Amaretto or Champagne cheesecake.
The first time I came to the US, we went to a steakhouse and they had a 16oz ribeye for $25, I wasn't sure how much 16oz was, or what ribeye meant but any steak for under $30 sounded good, the biggest steak I had seen in my life. It's weird going from a culture where meat was a special side dish to where meat is the main dish and excess is basically affordable for any class of society, like Thanksgiving turkey, steak, burgers.
Vegemite/marmite is classically what's leftover after brewing beer, but it works adding it to some things in small amounts. Basically an umami taste much like seaweed or soy sauce in Asian dishes.
Scottish National Party + Nazis
by BoogerMan inhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/scottish_national_party - "however, others in the party were explicitly pro-nazi.
hugh macdiarmid, who stood as an snp candidate in 1945, believed that the nazis were "less dangerous than our own government" and wrote a poem about the london blitz that included the line "i hardly care".
arthur donaldson, who went on to lead the party between 1961 and 1969, believed a nazi invasion would benefit scotland: "the government would leave the country and england's position would be absolutely hopeless, as poverty and famine would be their only reward for declaring war on germany.
Anony Mous
Ireland was the same, they court-martialed and prosecuted those that fought in WW2 with the Brits for desertion. They only apologized around a decade ago.
Also the Finnish, Dutch and most people in the Baltic (Ukraine fought on both the Nazi and Soviet side). Many voters in those countries were pining for a takeover by a socialist government and joined the fight against the Allied forces.
elder school and jabs
by enoughisenough ini watched a video ( can't think which one now.
)..and the presenter said he had been given unverifiable information from an elder's wife that the elders needed to have the "jabs" in order to attend elder school in person now and there wasn't to be a zoom, and if they didn't have the jabs, they needed to contact the branch.
( my thought: when will these toothless lions (elders) wake up and be real men and use their god given intelligence and quit allowing the manipulation?
Anony Mous
I thought you were required to have the jab in order to REMAIN an elder just a few months ago. So yes, anyone attending should've had the jab, or they wouldn't be an elder.
Something that bothers me personally
by Blotty in(i apologise if this is the wrong section for this - its the one i think suits best)this may sound really cliché (it does in my opinion) and a first world thing, but it bothers me someone can be like this and spout these "illogical" arguments (among others, which i will list as questions in the near future)i recently (as of 21/11/22) finished up a conversation with someone on a few things - i find one of their "implications" slightly concerning.. they wouldn't accept "evidence" from scholars who seemingly didn't agree with their standpoint which is interesting.
i.e on the divine name, i listed scholars such as george howard - i got the answer "try a real scholar"or another example i cited beduhn as (in my opinion) he is easy to understand but then got told "he doesn't teach greek at a university so his opinion is not valid" - scholars may not cite beduhn, but from looking at other factors he really gets nothing wrong (linguistically)once again i apologise if this is wasting anyone's time.
Anony Mous
Beduhn is a WTBTS apologist, he is a professor of religious studies, likewise Howard is not a scholar on the subject of translation. His point is that the WTBTS translated in accordance with what he believes is the correct viewpoint, not whether it is accurate word for word.
The truth is that the original writings of the Bible have been lost and most of the extant fragments are already adapted towards the viewpoints of a particular group. So it is possible, but unlikely given Jewish tradition, that the name of God was written down at all, however, what they “meant”, or everyone understood it to mean at the time, or what they did write vs. what was legal to write at the point is open for wide interpretation. Beduhn and WTBTS is one side of the argument, however the majority will say there is no such evidence.
You can argue, like the WTBTS does, by cherry picking from a few scientists that speak well outside the field. Sadly, that is how a lot of science reporting is being done today (especially climate science), you find someone that agrees with your viewpoint argued from eg. sociology and then make that soundbite the accepted narrative even though real scientists will put many disclaimers and say it’s not that easy.
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Noah's Ark - Kentucky
by BoogerMan inregardless of belief/non-belief in the bible account, why is the ark nearly always depicted by both believers & non-believers as a huge boat, with a rounded hull & stern, and a tapered bow?
https://arkencounter.com/ .
the ark was crate shaped according to the measurements.
Anony Mous
A crate would be worse off than a boat. There’s a reason a boat is shaped like a boat and not a shoebox. Even barges have one or more shaped hulls. I think everyone since antiquity knew this fact, hence the tradition of a boat-shaped object.
As pointed out before, a wooden boat that size cannot be physically supported, however even a box the size of a small boat cannot support itself in water, it would simply crack as soon as it got lifted.
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Another HUGE Building Project
by pontoon ini haven't been on site in a while, don't know if has been discussed but here is a link.
Who wrote the book of Hebrews?
by Fisherman inthere are good reasons to belief that paul wrote hebrews.
i am convinced he wrote it.
is there any any convincing evidence or argument that can validate the belief?.
Anony Mous
As with everything in the Bible, it is very unlikely the author claimed is the author actually, more likely it was a group of people that over time wrote and rewrote the story to fit their viewpoints.
Paul was already dead by the time we find evidence of the first books. The authenticity and authorship has been disputed since it started being described in Church literature.
Science News article: ‘Case closed’: 99.9% of scientists agree climate emergency caused by humans
by Disillusioned JW ina news article has the headline of " ‘case closed’: 99.9% of scientists agree climate emergency caused by humans"; see https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/19/case-closed-999-of-scientists-agree-climate-emergency-caused-by-humans .
the article says in part the following.. 'the scientific consensus that humans are altering the climate has passed 99.9%, according to research that strengthens the case for global action at the cop26 summit in glasgow.. the degree of scientific certainty about the impact of greenhouse gases is now similar to the level of agreement on evolution and plate tectonics, the authors say, based on a survey of nearly 90,000 climate-related studies.
this means there is practically no doubt among experts that burning fossil fuels, such as oil, gas, coal, peat and trees, is heating the planet and causing more extreme weather.. a previous survey in 2013 showed 97% of studies published between 1991 and 2012 supported the idea that human activities are altering earth’s climate.. this has been updated and expanded by the study by cornell university that shows the tiny minority of sceptical voices has diminished to almost nothing as evidence mounts of the link between fossil-fuel burning and climate disruption.. the latest survey of peer-reviewed literature published from 2012 to november 2020 was conducted in two stages.
Anony Mous
@disillusioned: going back to the book, you are claiming that if we don’t make a change, earths temperature will suddenly rise 2C in 30 years if the predictions are correct? I know that it is talking about pre-industrial levels.
Even so, we have seen minimal variations since pre-industrial times, despite China/India nearly doubling the US output over the last few decades, I wouldn’t expect abrupt changes after the world starts slowly decreasing its total output (which is again, very hard to measure in comparison with the output from volcanoes and the Amazon).
If anything warming out of the mini-ice age the world was in during the Middle Ages has been put on a slower curve based on other data points we have from the past to the point scientists in the 70s thought we would CO2 ourselves back into an ice age. Now global warming has once again morphed into global up-and-down temperatures. Super-heating and global warming have been completely debunked, the term of the decade is global change which could be up or down. So the book is unlikely to be correct, IPCC currently models a 1-1.5C temperature change by 2100 with a 2.5-3C in the worst case where everyone goes back to coal/wood burning. Oh, yes, since pre-industrial time. That is still more than 50 years off the prediction of the book and several degrees as well, depending on outcome.
That’s always the problem with prophecy; besides the vagueness and number of prophets, it’s always some distance away and they’re also always correct until they’ve been completely debunked and then we will hear about how we misinterpreted it.
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Science News article: ‘Case closed’: 99.9% of scientists agree climate emergency caused by humans
by Disillusioned JW ina news article has the headline of " ‘case closed’: 99.9% of scientists agree climate emergency caused by humans"; see https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/19/case-closed-999-of-scientists-agree-climate-emergency-caused-by-humans .
the article says in part the following.. 'the scientific consensus that humans are altering the climate has passed 99.9%, according to research that strengthens the case for global action at the cop26 summit in glasgow.. the degree of scientific certainty about the impact of greenhouse gases is now similar to the level of agreement on evolution and plate tectonics, the authors say, based on a survey of nearly 90,000 climate-related studies.
this means there is practically no doubt among experts that burning fossil fuels, such as oil, gas, coal, peat and trees, is heating the planet and causing more extreme weather.. a previous survey in 2013 showed 97% of studies published between 1991 and 2012 supported the idea that human activities are altering earth’s climate.. this has been updated and expanded by the study by cornell university that shows the tiny minority of sceptical voices has diminished to almost nothing as evidence mounts of the link between fossil-fuel burning and climate disruption.. the latest survey of peer-reviewed literature published from 2012 to november 2020 was conducted in two stages.
Anony Mous
@disillusioned: many predictions have been made by apocalyptic cults. Whether it is god or climate, it doesn’t really matter.
The book you spoke of was written in the 70s, we are now 50 years further and we’re still talking about 2.5C in the next 30 years and the change since 1970 has been minimal, 0.5C with the predicted 1C change being extended from 1980s to now 2050.
It’s CT Russel’s fearmongering taken to a global scale. Yes, the earth is getting warmer, but 90% of the CO2 is emitted by natural processes. Now people are shifting from CO2 to Methane as the predictions on CO2 have been repeatedly falsified.
I still want to see solutions promoted that don’t require thousands to die in order to minimize the human impact on the environment. I want to see sustainable solutions, that don’t require resources worse than oil.
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